Safety Tip: Can You Hear Me Now?


Safety Tip: Can You Hear Me Now?

Mobile phones are convenient and can even prove useful if an employee needs to call in an accident or another important safety report. Unfortunately, much of the time, mobile phones pose more of a risk to safety than anything else. Combining the use of a mobile phone with driving, operating power tools, or navigating other hazardous work conditions can be dangerous or even deadly. Here are some ideas to share with your team for using mobile phones and other handheld devices safely:

  • Never talk or text on your mobile phone while driving.
  • Let calls go to voicemail and listen/respond after you’re safely parked.
  • If answering is necessary, be sure you have a hands-free device to answer the call.
  • Avoid always wearing phone earpieces as they block out important ambient noise.
  • Only review emails and texts when your vehicle is parked.
  • If your job requires you to use a cell phone, do not talk or answer the phone while you are performing another task that requires your attention.
  • Always select a safe spot to make or receive calls.

Have a safety tip to share? Contact the SBCA Safety Committee at