Let SBCA Take You to the Next Level in 2017
Let SBCA Take You to the Next Level in 2017
2016 WAS A GOOD YEAR for the structural building components industry, and 2017 seems to be promising even greater things. Housing starts reached their highest level since 2007 in September, and by most leading indicators, the economy appears to be headed in a positive direction. SBCA is in a good position to help component manufac-turers (CMs) take advantage of the coming growth.
One way we’re doing that is by developing and disseminating industry-specific design and installation best practices. CMs across the country have helped create a library of step-by-step design tools, inspection guides, installation checklists, and construction details that all SBCA members can use to increase market acceptance of their products and reduce installation errors and customer call-backs. In the November 2016 issue of SBC Magazine we began in-troducing you to these tools by looking at design and installation considerations for deck ledgers. This year we’ll cover many more topics, but don’t wait for the next issue to begin pursuing the best practice library.
Another way SBCA is helping CMs keep up with the pace of today’s market is by going digital. The number of mo-bile devices in the hands of construction industry professionals is growing swiftly. SBCA has two significant digital initiatives underway to help CMs take advantage of the proliferation of technology both in the office and on the jobsite.
First, delivering SBCA’s Jobsite Packages has always been a powerful installation management tool, but the new electronic Jobsite Packages give CMs more flexibility in making sure these important documents arrive in the hands of those who need them. In particular, electronic Jobsite Packages can help more SBCA jobsite information find its way into architects’ and engineers’ plans and specs as well as truss placement diagrams and truss design drawings.
Second, as the residential construction market keeps gathering steam, most builders say they continue to struggle with labor shortages. Structural components are a perfect solution, and the data SBCA collected during the Framing the American Dream (FAD) projects in 1995 and 2015 give CMs compelling evidence with which to make this argu-ment. To help CMs begin conversations with potential builder and framer customers, SBCA has taken the FAD data and created the Component Marketing Toolbox. It’s a library of high-quality videos, electronic brochures, photos, infographics, social media posts and presentation slides, all of which you can mix and match to create a public presence that appeals to your market. In addition, the CM Toolbox contains a powerful online estimation calculator that you can use to compute the savings a component package can offer on specific jobs. Visit the website for de-tails and samples.
Yet one more way SBCA is helping the industry take advantage of growth is by highlighting trends throughout the construction industry supply chain. Our primary vehicles for doing so are SBC Industry News and this magazine, but they are only the tip of iceberg. Last year we launched our online-only publication, The Market Place, to give CMs and their suppliers a place to keep the valuable discussions that happen at BCMC going throughout the year. If you haven’t read the CM Perspective columns, which offer insight into how
suppliers are helping transform the industry, I encourage you to take a moment to check them out. If you don’t al-ready receive SBC Industry News every Monday afternoon,
subscribe today.
Last but not least, check out the revamped SBC Magazine website. In addition to a new look and easier navigation, all SBCA and SBC Magazine content is now accessible through the search function on either site. Happy reading!