Parting Shots: Relationships Start Here


Parting Shots: Relationships Start Here

Can’t make it to Washington, DC for SBCA’s Fly-in this June? Consider hosting a plant tour instead!

Plant Tours

Left: Dallas Austin (Big C Lumber) discusses issues during a plant tour with his Congressman, Fred Upton. Center: Rick Parrino (Plum Building Systems) shows his state Senator, Amy Sinclair, around their facility. Right: Scott Ward (Southern Components) gives a tour to his Congressman, John Fleming.

Every seat in the U.S. House and one-third of the seats in the U.S. Senate are up for election starting this summer. The men and women running for these seats, whether they are incumbents or not, are looking for opportunities to interact with voters. Your production facility is a perfect place to do that.

The images above are just a few of many illustrating how component manufacturers (CMs) have had success bringing elected officials into their plants to learn more about our industry. More importantly, these tours allow CMs to build relationships with some of the most well-connected individuals in their communities. These relationships have repeatedly proven to yield benefits CMs never imagined when they gave the tours.

If you’re open to the idea of hosting a plant tour, let us know. We want to help make the process as simple and worry-free as possible.