Rates | Web Ads | Billing | Benefits
Space Reservations & Material Deadlines (more 2021 details to come)
Issue | Space Due | Print Ad Materials Due | Digital Drop | Mail Drop |
Jan/Feb 2021 | 12/15/20 | 12/28/20 | 1/14/21 | 1/25/21 |
Mar/Apr 2021 | 2/15/21 | 2/25/21 | 3/11/21 | 3/22/21 |
May/June 2021 | 4/19/21 | 4/29/21 | 5/13/21 | 5/24/21 |
July/Aug 2021 | 6/21/21 | 7/1/21 | 7/15/21 | 7/26/21 |
Sept/Oct 2021 | 8/5/21 | 8/19/21 | 9/9/21 | 9/20/21 |
Nov/Dec 2021 | 10/25/21 | 11/4/21 | 11/18/21 | 12/1/21 |
Standard Ad Sizes
Ad Size | Non-Bleed | Bleed |
1/6 page (v) | 2.25"x4.75" | n/a |
1/4 page (v) | 3.50"x4.75" | n/a |
1/3 page (sq) | 5.25"x5.25" | n/a |
1/3 page (h) | 7.125"x3" | n/a |
1/3 page (v) | 2.25"x9.50" | n/a |
1/2 page (h) | 7.125"x4.75" | 8.375"x5.5625" * (Trim: 8.125"x5.4375") |
1/2 page (v) | 3.50"x9.75" | 4"x11.125" * (Trim: 3.875"x10.875") |
Full Page | 7.125"x9.50" | 8.375"x11.125" * (Trim: 8.125"x10.875") |
*Bleed ad sizes are shown with .125" bleed added. Build ads to trim size and extend bleed beyond page size (min. bleed=.125" on all sides). Keep all live matter .25" from trim to avoid trimming any copy, illustrations, etc. Publisher is not responsible for live matter that is cut off because it is too close to the trim.
Ad Size Examples
The red boxes illustrate SBC's standard ad sizes. If you have questions about size or layout, please contact SBC staff.
Acceptable Advertising Materials
Digital Materials Required: Please provide files via email (15 MB limit) or cloud sharing (contact staff for details) in one of the formats listed below in order of preference:
- Press-ready PDF file with all fonts embedded. (We cannot use PDF files that have been prepared for use on the web.)
- Photoshop® TIF or hi-res JPG file with all fonts embedded.
- Adobe Illustator® EPS file with all fonts converted to outlines.
Any other type of file requires use of an outside vendor and may result in additional charges. Publisher accepts no responsibility for content or reproduction of files that can be manipulated.
Very Important: For all digital files, ensure that all graphics are at least 300 dpi at the required size, and the color is set for CMYK. Use stylized fonts and do not apply style attributes to basic fonts. All elements must be placed at 100% size. Avoid rotation or cropping of images in desktop layout programs; do this in Illustrator® or Photoshop®. Do not nest EPS files in other EPS files. ALL colors MUST be in CMYK mode. RGB images will result in additional conversion charges. Spot colors are printed as 4/c process match.
Color: SBC staff makes every attempt to match the color in ads to the color proofs. However, a certain amount of color variation is considered acceptable in the printing industry. Please contact staff with specific questions about color matching or special color needs. Publisher is not responsible for the outcome of any digitally supplied ad received without an appropriate color or black and white proof. If necessary, SBC staff will create one and bill the customer (color proof = $20 per full page or smaller).
Storage: Ad materials are stored on a non-guaranteed basis for one year, and then destroyed unless SBC staff is otherwise notified by the advertiser.
Ad Design
Because we know you want to paint an accurate picture of what your company has to offer but don't always have the time or resources to put a new ad together, SBC staff offers a wide range of design services to help with your marketing needs:
- Develop concepts and designs for ad campaigns.
- Offer unique options for communicating your company's message within the pages of SBC.
- Create websites and other online advertising.
- Develop and design direct mail pieces that focus on a specific product or market segment.
- Oversee printing/mailing of your marketing piece.
For more details, contact staff.
Special Positions
Please contact staff if you have a special position request. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Furnished Inserts
Contact staff for details and rate information.