BCMC Build: Keeping Members on Their Toes
BCMC Build: Keeping Members on Their Toes
This year’s BCMC Build project will build not one but two single-family homes with help from partners Habitat for Humanity and Eli Lilly. Just one block apart, the two-story Taft home and the one-story Harrison home (see graphics at below) will be framed by BCMC Build volunteers within a two-day timeframe, showcasing the benefits of component construction.
“Signing up to do two houses allows more people to participate. But it will also take a tremendous amount of planning and organization,” said Steve Stroder, BCMC Build Co-Chair and Vice President Manufacturing Design for ProBuild. “I think it’ll be good for the show and good for the industry.”
In addition to expanding the scope to two houses, BCMC Build is also launching new events to help raise money for the project. Members can burn rubber on the race course and have some friendly competition while supporting the industry’s efforts to give back to the Indianapolis community.
• BCMC Build 5k Run/Walk: After BCMC Build, attendees will put on their running shoes for this run/walk along Indianapolis’ historic White River canal.
• BCMC Tri-tacular: Teams will compete in a tricycle relay race held on the show floor.
• BCMC Poker Run: Participants will visit exhibitor booths to trade in tickets for playing cards and turn in their hand at the BCMC Build booth. The player with the best hand wins!
To learn more about these events, visit bcmcshow.com. Details about the floor plans, recipient families, and in-kind and monetary donation needs are available at bcmcbuild.com/about.php.