What Do You Love About This Industry?
It seems like I just returned home from BCMC. What an exciting week we had in New Orleans. BCMC Build was a huge success, and I’d like to thank all those who donated their time and products to this wonderful cause. Hats off to Rick Parrino and Jason Blenker; this project would not have come together so well without their leadership and expertise. I would also like to thank BCMC Chair Gregg Renner, the BCMC Committee, and SBCA staff for an all-around truly great show. They shook things up and tried something different this year with the new format, and the results were awesome. Plus, New Orleans was the perfect spot, and our educational sessions were phenomenal. Be sure to check out the articles in this month’s issue that feature topics from the educational sessions including metrics for managers; changes to the building codes; and lumber production, grading and design.
One of the sessions, Preparing for the Future of Hiring (see page 16 for more on this topic), hit on something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately—the availability of a quality work force. As the economy continues to trickle back to a degree of normalcy, we will face the need to hire new employees. While this is a good problem to have, it will be a challenge for many of us. One of my goals this year is to find a way to present the wonderful world of components to potential employees. If I could only spread the love and compassion we have for this industry to other prospective employees, it would make life so much easier.
What do you love about this industry? For me, it is the relationships we have built at our company. It’s the security of knowing that people come first and we are all one big family. We are also on a mission to maintain a servant’s heart toward our customers and provide them with a product that is unlike any other. For example, components are the reason we are able to erect the BCMC Build home in just two days, and our products help rebuild nations all around the world. That’s pretty exciting!
As one of our members and SBCA Past Presidents recently suggested, it is time we got serious about sharing the heart of our industry and association. A revamped and revised WorkForce Development strategy in the form of a professional video is one example. This could be a very powerful tool to entice potential employees to see what we are all about. Hosting a component-specific job fair is another suggestion that a member has brought to the table. If you have an idea, I encourage you to share your thoughts.
SBCA’s WorkForce Development website, wfd.sbcindustry.com, is another great tool at our disposal. SBCA staff is revamping the site and working to attract more fresh faces that will see our industry as a place to build a career with long-term professional growth potential. Having one central location to post jobs and search through a host of resumes is extremely efficient. We should all use this site as the need for employees increases.
If each of us explores new ways to promote our businesses to the up-and-coming workforce sooner rather than later, we will all be much better off when the time comes for recruitment. A book filled with wisdom says that you will reap what you sow. Let’s start planting the seed now that our industry is a great one, full of growth and potential for years to come. If you have thoughts that will help your peers embrace and accomplish this goal, please let us know. SBCA can provide members with the tools to help potential employees capture the vision, and together we can achieve many great things. I believe it is time to share our passion and enthusiasm with everyone!