The Journey from Survive to Thrive Begins with a Single Step
The Journey from Survive to Thrive Begins with a Single Step
Before production even begins, you need to worry about the basics: building a good workforce and ensuring you are protected from undue risk. SBCA’s WorkForce Development website can help you with the former, while the ORisk program can help you knowledgably navigate liability issues.
Truss Design Department
Your company’s success is dictated largely by the success of your designers. Use the TATO test to gauge the abilities of potential truss designers and the Truss Technician Training (TTT) programs to expose individuals to increasingly more advance design concepts.
SBCA’s Operation Safety creates a culture in which everyone is aware of their surroundings and diligent in avoiding hazards.The Combustible Dust Housekeeping program provides a comprehensive way to control and dispose of sawdust. Both are a must in the event of an OSHA inspection.
Production Line
Component production is not necessarily straightforward, and it is the little production details that can make all the difference. The In-Plant Basic Training course can get new hires up to speed and even teach veterans a trick or two. WTCA In-Plant QC ensures you put out a consistently high-quality product.
Forklifts can present unique safety challenges in the plant. The Forklift Safety program covers everything from the basics of operation to more industry-specific situations for which operators should be thoroughly prepared.
Your drivers are your company’s representative on the jobsite. The TRUCK program provides industry-specific guidance that address the safety, risk and compliance aspects of material handling, product transport and safe operation of equipment.
You have put a lot of work into the design and manufacture of your products. Proper handling, installing and bracing of components during construction is essential to ensure they function as intended throughout their use. Jobsite packages are the best way to protect yourself and your product.
Note: For a more visual presentation of these concepts, see the link to the pdf version of this article above.