Parting Shots


Parting Shots

A Look Back Adds Perspective on Future Advance

A lot has changed in the component manufacturing industry in the past decade. As we gathered for another BCMC in Knoxville, Tennessee, it was clear that one of the most significant advancements in the industry has been in design software. A case in point is an article published in the May 2006 issue of SBC Magazine that highlighted Di Sang Hall, a project undertaken by Pioneer Truss Company in Owensville, Missouri.

The unique structure made the project difficult to bid, and the curved dome of the roofline below the peak made the project a challenge to design and manufacture. Pioneer’s solution was to design the structure in CAD to get a 3D model before beginning layout in their design software.

The article quoted Chris Lenauer, then vice president and now president of Pioneer, citing the staff’s determination, imagination and access to technology as the keys to success. “This project wouldn’t have been possible if we didn’t have the technology—the CAD and the lasers—to get the job done right.”

What technology changes will the next few years bring? Considering the integration that is currently occurring across software platforms—not to mention the promise of Building Information Management (BIM) software and virtual reality—bidding, design and manufacturing might all become easier. It will be interesting to see what value CMs are bringing to the market a decade from now.