2019 Learning Labs

Join small-group discussions on key industry issues without leaving the show floor! 

BCMC attendees at a Learning Lab

Learning labs are scheduled during exhibit hours, so you won’t have to go far to find an in-depth conversation on the concepts speakers raise throughout the show. Spend focused time with your peers as you make sense of the information you’re absorbing, dive into technical detail, or develop strategies to implement new ideas. Learning Labs have also been incorporated into this year’s Session Tracks.

Wednesday, October 23

1p - Partnering with a National Builder

2:30p - Best Practices for Developing a Local Workforce

4p - Designing for the Code

Thursday, October 24

12p - Knowing Your People to Keep Your People

1:30p - Safety

3p - Cybersecurity

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Exhibitor Learning Labs

Check out this new opportunity to delve into specific topics with a BCMC exhibitor. Discuss "Labor Solutions" with 4Ward Consulting Group on Thursday at 11:30a or 1p.