Special Events

New Braunfels, TX
Sat.-Mon., Oct. 5-7 • 6:30 am - 6 pm
In the spirit of Building Communities and Making Connections, BCMC Build is teaming up with Operation Finally Home and the Building Systems Councils to build a home for Cody Allen Nusbaum, a Specialist in the US Army.
While serving in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan, Cody’s unit was ambushed by Taliban fighters disguised as Afghan police officers. Cody was shot numberous
times, requiring more than 65 surgeries to repair his injuries. After a series of revolutionary procedures to repair his hip and leg, and five months of painful physical therapy, Cody recently took his first steps–fifteen months after the attack. In October, Cody will be able to take another important step when he walks across the threshold of his new home! Visit bcmcbuild.com to find out how you can participate in the project, make a cash or material donation and check out the house plans. Any contribution–large or small, individually or through your business–is greatly appreciated.
SBCA Annual Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 8 • 4 pm
Gather with fellow members to recap the year’s successes, recognize the industry’s award winners and hear the latest from our association! The meeting will be followed by a welcome reception from 5-6 pm.
Kick-Off Presentation
Tuesday, Oct. 8 • 6:05 pm
Balancing Life, Work, Family & Friends –
You’ve Got to Have a Sense of Humor™
Speaker: Bruce S. Wilkinson, CSP, Workplace Consultants
Finding balance can be pretty challenging when you are trying to make ends meet. Long hours, customer expectations, economic issues, increased regulatory compliance and family concerns can take their toll. This will be an enthusiastic, humorous, and content-filled program for people who want to laugh, reduce stress, improve their attitude and bring balance and enjoyment back into their life, family and work. You will learn:
• Tips to achieve a less stressed, balanced life.
• How to find the humor in things you see every day.
• Light-hearted communication skills for multi-generational families and workforces.
• How to bring more enjoyment and a positive attitude back into your life, job or organization.
Economic Forecast
Wednesday, Oct. 9 • 8:15 am
Speaker: James Dunn, Chair of Branch Board, Oklahoma City Branch Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Jim joined the Oklahoma City Branch Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 2008. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Mill Creek Lumber and Supply Company, Inc., which has LBM distribution locations in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas. This presentation will:
• Provide an in-depth discussion on the current state of the economy.
• Give insight on the economy from two levels – the LBM dealer business perspective and the federal reserve point of view.
• Combine these two unique perspectives and present an insightful view of our industry’s and nation’s economic future.
Component Manufacturers Roundtable
Wednesday, Oct. 9 • 3:15 pm
Your Business Lifeline - CMs Only
This peer-to-peer forum helps you to evaluate your business model and provides problem-solving resources.
• Review key industry benchmarks and best practices.
• Gain marketplace intelligence.
• Learn how to grow your business.
5K Run for BCMC Build

Wedneday, October 9, 6:30 am
BCMC Build is hosting a 5K run/walk bright and early. So put on your running/walking shoes and get moving for a great cause. Everyone is welcome to participate! Find registration information at bcmcshow.com/bcmcrun.php.
Find out what vendors will be at the show and what they will be bringing to highlight in their booths.
Schedule of Events*
Tuesday, October 8
6:30a-12p BCMC Build Construction Completion
8a-8p Exhibitor Move-in
8a Toyota Plant Tour
12p-6p Registration
1p-2p Educational Sessions
Solving the Labor Shortage
Building a Better Business: It’s the Peoplework – Not the Paperwork!
THE QUESTION: Optimize or Not? (Part 1)
2p Convention & Visitors Bureau - Spouse/Guest Orientation
2:30p-3:30p Educational Sessions
Safety Is Your First Line of Defense
Promoting Components over the Alternatives
THE QUESTION: Optimize or Not? (Part 2)
3:30p Coffee Break
4p SBCA Annual Meeting
5p-6p Welcome Reception
6p Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome from BCMC Chair
6:05p Kick-off Presentation/BCMC Build Ceremony
8p Top Chord Club & SBCA Board Dinner
Wednesday, October 9
6:30a 5K Run for the BCMC Build
7:30a-5p Registration
7:45a Continental Breakfast
8:15a-9:15a Economic Forecast
9:30a-10:30a Educational Sessions
Lumber: Getting Reliable Design Values
Navigating Obamacare: Does It Affect Me?
Value of SBCRI & SBCRI Testing: What We’ve Learned & Where We’re Going
10a Spouse Tour
10a-5p Spouse Hospitality Room
10:45a-5p Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Exhibits Open
2:30p BCMC Bowl Drawing #1
3:15p-4:30p Component Manufacturers Roundtable
4:45p BCMC Bowl Drawing #2
Thursday, October 10
7:30a-11:30p Registration
7:30a Continental Breakfast
8a-9a Educational Sessions
Lumber Forecast
Navigating Obamacare: What Do I Need to Do?
THE QUESTION: Optimize or Not? (Condensed Version)
Teaming Up with Your Local Building Officials to Streamline Code Compliance
9a-12p Spouse Hospitality Room
9a-12:30p Exhibits Open
11:30a BCMC Bowl Drawing #3
12:30p Official Adjournment, Exhibitor Move-out
12:30p Toyota Plant Tour
*Schedule changes may occur.