Parting Shots


Parting Shots

In March, SBCA undertook ASTM E119* floor assembly fire testing at NGC Testing Services in Buffalo, NY. Separate, unprotected floor assemblies were constructed of 2x10s, I-joists and floor trusses with and without splice plates. Each assembly was loaded to create a member at its full design stress and then subjected to controlled fire conditions. The two fire test photos show a floor truss assembly near the end of (top photo) and immediately after (middle photo) the fire test. These tests provide great insight into IRC’s R501.3 code provision.

Many thanks to C.B. Clay, Jake McElwee, Travis Daniel and Tim Jones (bottom photo, pictured left to right) at ProBuild, Villa Rica, GA for building the floor trusses for this testing.

*ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials