Truss Plates


We have a local builder wishing to use floor trusses with a 2-hour assembly. I have shown him the 2-hour design on pages 17-27 of the second edition of SBCA’s Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Handbook. Is this assembly UL approved? If so, what is the design number?


I have just moved into a new home and during the construction I noticed that one of the trusses in the garage was damaged. The web plate had come off in two different locations. I notified the builder and they said they would take care of it. Approximately two weeks after I moved in, I noticed the ceiling in the garage started to sag, so I went into the space above the garage and found the truss was never repaired. I again notified the builder and they sent someone to fix it. I went and looked at the fix and this is where my question comes in.


I am trying to determine the manufacturer of some wood trusses installed in the early 1980s in New Jersey. The stamp mark on the connector plates reads, to the best of my ability, TPL-153A (it could be PPL or TPI, but I am unsure). I need to get in contact with this truss manufacturer in order to determine design loads for the truss, as I am remodeling the store under the roof.


In RC 2601, is RC-1 Channel used?


I have been hired by an insurance company to determine the extent of damage to roof trusses exposed to fire. How much fire damage compromises the structural integrity of the truss?


I am a structural engineer trying to locate average plate values such that I can recreate truss designs for a roof structure that is over two decades old. The plates are not marked with any type of identification, therefore I need to take a conservative approach in the design and determine worst case scenarios.


I am trying to develop a guideline for my firefighters regarding initial fire attack in buildings with light-weight trusses. My concern is truss failure, especially when exposed to fire. Is there any information on failure time related to flame impingement? Any information about truss failure – especially in a fire condition would be helpful.


In a small scale multi-family residential project, I'd like to use a wood truss floor-ceiling assembly to achieve a one hour separation between units. I'd like to directly attach the drywall to the underside of the trusses & use the truss space for ducts & lighting (the floor above will be lightweight concrete on plywood sub-floor). UL assemblies do not seem to address the duct/light penetrations in such an assembly. Can I achieve a one-hour rating in such an assembly and how are penetrations addressed? Can the ducts in the truss space serve both units above and below?


Is a Class A fire rating (provided by our liquid spray-on fire retardant) acceptable in certain situations?


I have a 29 x 72 mobile office with a 2-foot deep wooden truss above the ceiling that a client is required to sprinkler. Is there any way to avoid sprinklering above the gypboard ceiling?